Pink Love

An inspiration from my pinky little girl...LOVE YOU!!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Funny Moments In My Life....

If I was asked to share a funny moment in my pregnancy journey, today would be the day that it happens.

People say that you will have a bad day if something awful or horrible happens to you at the beginning of the day. But for me, it's different. Something awful and hilarious happened at the end of day, luckily it's the end of the day!

I was squatting down to put my friend's laptop into my cupboard when I heard a "crack" sound. I felt cool air rushing down my thigh and I saw the BIG gap that allows the air to rush in!!! I tore my pants not at the middle part but the right inner thigh that was showing off some fatty flesh.

I couldn't imagine if it happens during the day or before I start teaching! What am I going to do???

Lucky enough, I drive to school, so I quickly get into the car hoping no one sees me except for those in the staff room. (free show for them, thank you me!)

As I got into the car, the gap gets longer going into my calf. Like I'm turning into the incredible HULK but not successful. What a horrible sight!
I told myself not to use the lift but walk up the stairs to the 4th storey, nevermind that I'm carrying my laptop, nevermind that I'm eight months pregnant, as long as no one sees me!!!

Then, as I approached the staircase, a guy gave me a huge scare! Bee, just came back from work. I told him no way I'm going to take the lift and the next thing he did was to laugh out loud at ME!! He asked what happened to my pants, then he went on saying, "see how fat you've become." We laughed all the way up and he told me to bring an extra pants to school in case such things happens again. (very funny!)

He even told my maid with his ever sinister smile to check my pants for any tear, the next time she irons it.

I quickly got myself out of it not until Bee said," Why never take picture first, next time you can show the baby when he grows up that you tore your pants when you are carrying him!" (fat hope, (although I know I'm FAT) I'm going to let that happens!)

I still can't imagine if it happens at the beginning of the day, what would my reactions be and what would I do??? funny!!


At 1:13 PM , Blogger rain mohd said...

Hahahaa!!!! Tak sangka i have an incredible hulk as a friend! hahhha! Wish I was there for the free show!

At 4:07 PM , Blogger aNn writes said...

Hahaha!!! It will be funnier with u around.That's the worst thing ever happen to me in public. "Konon nak step sexylah tu"! :P


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