Pink Love

An inspiration from my pinky little girl...LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I, Ban Mian

The smell of mushrooms, chicken and the most delicious anchovies won't make anyone resist a bowl of Ban Mian.

Oh..YES!! At last I got hold of Me, Ban Mian today at JP. Not that I can't go on any other day but Bee didn't like the surrounding that is always full of humans savouring on international cuisine.To him , it will be the last place he ever think of going and he prefers to starve rather than to fight for a place during weekends.

So, there I was today, meeting up with an old friend just to hand over things that she wanted to borrow from me. good am I to drive all the way there just because her school is just round the corner and the irresistible thought of Ban Mian makes me drool like a baby.

I was just wondering who is the first person who started my crave for Ban Mian. Is it you, rAin, is it Zu or is it Sharon? Whatever it is, I'm happy to find such a delicious meal not for you maybe but definitely for ME!

So, here's a picture of a bowl of my favourite Ban Mian for those who misses it like me...

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Now you see it...

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Now you don't...

That's how satisfied am I today and I also got to buy some butterfly buns to bring to school. My friend had nothing to say but smiled and told me "Good to have an appetite like you"!

Haiz...I end up my big appetite with beancurd from Jollibean.
What else can I say...I'm really full of food now!


At 1:15 PM , Blogger rain mohd said...

R u purposely trying to make me drool ???? Seeing the pictures, I think i m going there RIGHT NOW!!!!!


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