Pink Love

An inspiration from my pinky little girl...LOVE YOU!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Swollen feet...

Walk, walk and walk. That's what I've been doing for my weekend.

Started my day on Saturday morning with some marketing errands to do at Geylang market. Came back and rest for an hour before going to the hospital for my checkup.
Later, went back and got my kiddos ready to visit my parents. In the evening, we went jogging at the nearby park. Of course I'm not the one jogging but I stayed with my kiddos at the playground. My day didn't stop there as I went to my MIL's place around 8pm. My day lasted all the way to 1am when I finally got to rest and lie down on my bed. What a luxury!!

On Sunday, went on a shopping date with Bee at Takashimaya. We reached there around 2.30pm and had our lunch at Nasi Ayam Penyet Ria without fail. Continue with shopping and left the parking around 7pm. The parking fees was $9.77. So expensive!!!

Then, we continue our shopping at BPP (Bukit Panjang Plaza). Thought of getting some pies from the Royals but in the end I only got hold of their cranberry brownies.

We reached home nearly 9.30pm. I'm soooo tired and my legs were swollen really bad!
However, that's the only exceptional weekend where I've been walking and walking.

Hokay, here's photos of me to show how heavy I am!

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My front view. Can't see my tummy?

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My side view. Still aren't convinve that I'm fat???

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Now can you still deny that I'm FAT!!!

Took this photo on my way to school.
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Hopefully I will be safe to and from work...

That's my weekend full of activities and now every night my Boy has to massage his mama's back before going to sleep. :)


At 7:50 PM , Blogger rain mohd said...

Helloo!! wah u look big oredi. Cant wait for the lil one to come out. saw janice jus now, she told me there are 8 preggers in sch this year! wah baby boom betul ah!
take care:)

At 11:39 AM , Blogger aNn writes said...

The grey shadow that has been overcasting the sky has long past... In fact, I'm the first one to meletup among the rest of them.
But...surprise, surprise!! She gave me a call at home the other day! Terperanjat aku. Slamat dah abis makan, kalau tak.. tak selera aku bila dah dengar suara dia!

At 12:20 PM , Blogger rain mohd said...

glad to know that everything's alrite. :) siapa gave u a call? janice?

At 1:48 PM , Blogger aNn writes said...

Janice buat apa...It's our mother nature, "Rambut"lah...

At 3:46 PM , Blogger rain mohd said...

ah?!! rambut call?! apa dia nak? seram nyer!!!
rindu ke? hehhe

At 3:38 PM , Blogger aNn writes said...

Dia rindu sangat kat aku...eeee...
Juz called to congratulate me coz she heard from our new P that I'm the first one to meletup among the other preggers. Dia jealouslah...dia berambus je...semua orang conceiving.Semua orang wonder why there's too many preggers this year...


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