Pink Love

An inspiration from my pinky little girl...LOVE YOU!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Meaningful Events

Actually, I'm very the busy lately. That's the reason why I could not blog that often.With so many things happening around me and with the changes I'm going through again. It makes me feel sick which I am feeling right now. I'm having flu and cough. My nose is like "abang Dozo", that's what Bee said yesterday.

Anyway, not to dissapoint some people who are faithfully blogging in to my page..(ehmm!) I try to put in two entries today.

It's the birthday season. My son 6th on 22nd January and my daughter 3rd on 7th February which was yesterday.

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The two birthday cakes

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Faiq's 6th birthday at our place

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Farah's 3rd birthday at my mom-in-law's place

The reason for having at my MIL's place was because I wanted her to feel the presence of more people celebrating her birthday. Unlike her brother, Bee decided to call his siblings and "anak-buah" to come down to our place for a simple birthday party. So yesterday, the sister only had two of her cousins, grandparents around to celebrate her birthday. It was much more better than to just celebrate it with us 4 people at home, right?

But amidst of all the celebrations, they were actually down with chickenpox. It all started with my boy who got it two days after his birthday. My girl got it too that evening.Poor them! I also had to be home with them for the first four days as my maid couldn't handle both at the same time.

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Like "anak orang asli" aje...

Now, they are recuperating and my boy was telling me yesterday that he misses school and he may forgotten his friend's names if so long he didn't come to school.What an excuse that was!

And as for me, I'm not well as I've informed earlier and I will try to update as often as I can. But I can't promise, okay...;)


At 9:38 PM , Blogger rain mohd said...

Nice pictures. Especially the last one. Made me laugh amidst my tons of work!
How's everyone at TWPS? Miss you pple!

At 12:08 PM , Blogger aNn writes said...

We're still the same except for new "head". Worst "taik hidung masin"! But certain things are more relaxed now.
I've forgotten Zuraidah's b-day on 5th January. She's quite sad, you know!
How's school? Coping well?

At 2:46 PM , Blogger rain mohd said...

Oh ya. I forgot too. Dah belated habis dah.
School is ok. I think everywhere is the same. sure got politics, problems, ada aje yg tak kena.
By the way, Im SH/NE/SS now. no more IT. another headache.
and believe it or not, but budak budak kat sini lebih cekik darah dari kat sana!
Boleh pengsan!

At 11:11 AM , Blogger aNn writes said...

But I'm sure you will not have any problem with their academic results except for attitude maybe..
Sabar ajelah...better than having to deal both the problem.


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